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Do You Even Video, Bro!?

Think back to the last video you watched on your tablet, laptop, or mobile device and try to remember what it was and how you found it, go ahead. I can wait .

Did someone share it with you, was it suggested on your personalized YouTube app, or did you search for the "Kitty Cat Christmas Cocktail Party" which you've shard again and again and again with all your co-workers, friends, and family? The answer isn't important, as long as you realize in today's world we are all devouring content online at a record pace.

If you and I are admittedly spending more time than we probably should be watching videos that entertain, teach, and inform, don't you think your customers and business prospects are too? The odds are 100-1 that they are, so why are you hesitant to put your products and services right underneath their noses?!

Let's take a look at a few numbers from Hubspot that will have you second guessing why you're not already using video for your own business brand. Here are just a few of the zillion (yes, zillion) reasons your business deserves to be gifted video this Christmas.

  • Product videos can increase purchases by 144%. This stat alone could easily get you a huge bonus check from your boss next year (put my commission check in the mail, if so.)

  • 4 in 5 consumers believe that demo videos are helpful. Everyone wants to sample what we are curious about buying today. Video eliminates risk for consumers.

  • 78% of people report watching videos online each week, with 55% of those watching on a daily basis. (Raise your hand if you're guilty, yeah I see you there)

  • 68% of people say they’d most prefer to learn about a new product or service by watching a short video. (When is the last time you read an instruction manual? Duh, video is the new instruction manual of life)

  • By 2020, the number of videos crossing the Internet per second will approach 1 million. Whoa, it hurts my brain to even try to imagine that, but it's true. Let's face it, Video Content is King and it's here to stay.

So why aren't more companies jumping at the chance to use video? Three major reasons cited are basic lack of time, they don't know where to start, OR because it's "too expensive".

Don't let these reasons hold you back from finding out more about what the power of great video can do for your business marketing plan next year. In fact, if you're interested in learning more about what video can do for you, we are your destination for all things video. I'll just leave this right here, Go ahead and take a look at some of the content we've produced already.

Do yourself a favor and put us under the tree with a big red bow on it and send it to your Marketing Director as a gift. And if they don't have a tree, go ahead and buy them one of those too. Everyone needs a Christmas tree.

It's time to get ahead of the curve for once with your business marketing. I imagine you'll thank me after you receive that promotion next year. Until then, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at Meticulous Image!


Trey Knight

National Sales Director

Meticulous Image Inc.

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